This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

Friday, September 26, 2014

I Need a Ride

I'm in such a conundrum.

I'm too old for a stroller and too young for a jazzy. But I decided sometimes I just need a ride!

This summer there was a day when we went to the zoo. My kids have the stamina to not need a stroller anymore, so I carried a full lunch and my purse stuff in my old college backpack. Before we even went up, even the week before, I knew I didn't have the energy to go. But my kids need fun memories and new experiences, right? And a bunch of out-of town family would be there! So I put my big girl denim skirt on and we went.

We trekked around for a few hours with a lunch break full of the good stuff in the middle. (I'm now the cleanest eater, like, ever.) Grandparents and aunties were there to chase my peeps around, but I felt like death despite my optimism. I endured without complaint, because dang it, that's just who I am. For the next five days though, I was dysfunctional and on physically mandatory bed rest. I had embarked to the zoo with zero reserves--no actually, negative reserves. No bueno! My energy is like an allowance sometimes, and I spent like two weeks of it that day. Now my allowance is even slimmer!

I've matured (and made other similar experiences) a lot since then. I've dropped expectations for myself and learned to say NO to myself when I want to do everything. I've realized my kids are equipped to handle a sickish mom. I've let go of pride some. I'm not as much of a perfectionist, because that's just "ew."

I've also started on Lyme disease treatment, and if I had zero stamina at the zoo, I have negative fifty now. If you ever see me in public, know that I feel like I'm about to keel over most of the time. Like, for reals.

So yeah, I'm in the market for MY OWN SET OF WHEELS for field trips, memory making, getting out for long hauls. For temple square, bridal veil falls, thanksgiving point gardens, the zoo, museum hopping. I don't have to exert! I can sit! By gum, I can even get pushed around! SWEET.

I'm the nurse who pushed people with wheels. Weird to be in the chair, but I'm strangely really ok with that for this season of my life.

My body is in no condition to exert, but my brain (though forgetful, foggy, and fatigued) wants to get out with my peeps and make memories!

My taller half is on board with one requirement. I found a cool second-hand transport chair this morning, but he said he didn't like it because he wanted to be able to do tricks with it.

"Tricks? What tricks?" I asked.

"You know, like popping wheelies! You've never popped wheelies?" said he.

"I've always been the one pushing the chair!" I said.

I know that would end badly for me. I already walk like a drunken sailor. Like, for reals.

So I need to add that to the list of requirements: must be able to handle cool tricks done by my taller half.

The end.

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