This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Think Outside the Box for Church Callings

When my diagnosis was still a mystery and I was having major panic and feeling sick at church all the time, it was really hard to do my calling of leading the music in Relief Society (even though I love it!). I thought about quitting, but I stuck it out and found a sub if I couldn't "church" (<--verb) one day. Agoraphobia, guts, nausea, feeling faint, whatever.

Then treatment started, and I was totally dizzy and couldn't imagine staying upright while waving my arm, so I got a sub one week for that.

Then a few weeks passed while General and Regional Conferences happened. I got thinking. I got creative. This is my calling, and by gum, there had to be a way (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

Normally I stood in a space with lots of room and a music stand to hold the hymnbook. Then it occurred to me...

There's a sturdy table at the front of the room. I could ditch the stand, hold the hymnbook with all my buffness (I kid), and lean against the table to keep me knowing which way was up. Brilliant!

I tried it out the next time I led the music. It totally worked. Hot dog!! I win!

I knew that, worst case scenario, I could sit right on the table. Who would care? No one (as long as I sat like a lady, amiright?). I have almost sat the last two weeks, but a little shake of the knees keeps me from feeling like I'm going to faint. So that's cool. It works!

I guess I realized that there are creative ways to do a calling. I have permission and power to think outside the box and be unconventional. And so do you.

1 comment:

  1. You're totally right, Tawny! Who says things have to be done the same way every time? I'm impressed you found a way to consecrate your all! :)
