When my diagnosis was still a mystery and I was having major panic and feeling sick at church all the time, it was really hard to do my calling of leading the music in Relief Society (even though I love it!). I thought about quitting, but I stuck it out and found a sub if I couldn't "church" (<--verb) one day. Agoraphobia, guts, nausea, feeling faint, whatever.
Then treatment started, and I was totally dizzy and couldn't imagine staying upright while waving my arm, so I got a sub one week for that.
Then a few weeks passed while General and Regional Conferences happened. I got thinking. I got creative. This is my calling, and by gum, there had to be a way (see 1 Nephi 3:7).
Normally I stood in a space with lots of room and a music stand to hold the hymnbook. Then it occurred to me...
There's a sturdy table at the front of the room. I could ditch the stand, hold the hymnbook with all my buffness (I kid), and lean against the table to keep me knowing which way was up. Brilliant!
I tried it out the next time I led the music. It totally worked. Hot dog!! I win!
I knew that, worst case scenario, I could sit right on the table. Who would care? No one (as long as I sat like a lady, amiright?). I have almost sat the last two weeks, but a little shake of the knees keeps me from feeling like I'm going to faint. So that's cool. It works!
I guess I realized that there are creative ways to do a calling. I have permission and power to think outside the box and be unconventional. And so do you.
You're totally right, Tawny! Who says things have to be done the same way every time? I'm impressed you found a way to consecrate your all! :)