This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

"The Uses of Adversity," and Changes to the Blog

Today is Easter, the Holiest Day of the year. It's a special day. I feel prompted to add the following passage to my sidebar, but I include it here so it will print in my blog book one day. 

Also, I feel prompted to open this blog to search engines so it can be found. Until now, I listened to my fears of creepers instead of the feeling that this blog may help someone...and especially, maybe someone who is feeling extra spiritual and searching for some answers today. 

I love you all, truly, and Happy Easter!
Love, Opal

Without the right perspective, adversity makes NO SENSE. It looks like God forgot us or doesn't care or doesn't even exist. In truth, adversity is a kind opportunity to come to know the mysteries of God. The Only Ones who can show these to us are the members of the Godhead: God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. 

Ecclesiastical leaders, counselors, authors, friends, and others can try to enlighten us. But until one passes through the valley of the shadow of death and communes with The Divine, one cannot know the mysteries of the kingdom. Then the scriptures are opened in new ways to our understanding, and adversity can begin to make sense. 

What are these mysteries? 

"The mysteries of the kingdom are who we are, and who God is, and what our relationship to him is. Those are the mysteries of the kingdom. You can tell somebody in plain English, but they still don't know in their hearts who they really are" (The Uses of Adversity, by Carlfred Broderick, p. 24-25). 

The mission of my blog is to help you remember who you are, maybe through my journey. After we are born, we become earth-bound and forget where we came from, the presence of God. Once you know who you are, that God loves you, and that what He has given for you is somehow for your highest good, you can find meaning in adversity, and maybe even learn to enjoy it!

How do you find out if God loves you? Open your heart and ask Him. He will tell you. Listen for Him in the quiet corners of your heart. Pay attention to your feelings. Eventually you'll see Him everywhere, providing the details in your life so you can grow the most. You'll see Him in the majesty of nature, in the "coincidences" (MIRACLES!) that fall together in your life. You'll hear Him in the words of scripture, an inspired friend, and in the still, small voice that comes to your mind and heart. You'll feel Him in thrills when you have joy. 

He is here, all around us. And once you know He is there, you can explore Your relationship and rely on Him and thank Him for His wise purposes. He loves and trusts you enough to live with adversity. Thank Him and praise Him always. 

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