This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Miracle Weekend

I'm, like, impaired or something, because I created this cute post with pictures, and then the pictures disappeared. I tried three or four times to make it work, but I'm, like, impaired or something! You guys would have been like, "Aw, cool, pictures!" But now you get all text...surprise!

On Friday morning, my brain was made of oatmeal. I couldn't decide anything, process well, or remember. It was weird. I felt like roadkill (that's my new expression I came up with a few days ago. Charming, but accurate.)

That afternoon I had double-whammy IV therapy. I played the glad game, and my taller half took a turn in the massage chair.

We took the long way home through the mountains and stopped at some springs. Aaron insisted I ride in the wheelchair. I protested, but then I stood and realized he was wise in his request. I could have fallen in the water had I been on my feet just then. Yay for my wheels! I win.

There was a downhill part where I whooped inappropriately for the venue and said, "Hey Izma! Put your hands in the air!" I'm sure the people around the area were envious of my thrill ride.

When we got home, I got my adrenaline running so I could get gussied up for the book signing of my friend. It was thrilling...I even curled my hair a little.

The book launch was awesome. I've never been to an event like that. It took place in a twisty old English-type bookstore that you might find on Diagon Alley. My friend talked about the book, and it was fantastic. I was inspired by the concept of the book and got chills when part of it was read aloud. You go girl...if you're reading this!

It was a girls' night out with my sister-in-law (also an author) and niece. We had so much fun! That adrenaline served me well and helped answer my prayers because I rrrrreally wanted to go. (The book is Remake by Ilima Todd, by the way, and so far it is fantastic! BUY IT NOW.)

The next day, I went to support another friend who got married! It was a miracle I was able to be vertical at this point, having had big IV treatments, a date, and a GNO the night before. But it was lovely to support my friend and meet two of my missionary sister's former companions. There was love all around! I felt blessed. And afterward, my little peeps and sweetheart got ice cream. It was great.

On Sunday it started to catch up with me. I just need a recliner and dimmed lights at church, that's all. I--read that again--I, myself, made dinner of corned beef and cabbage (my ancestral DNA digs this stuff). [Let me insert here that the electric pressure cooker I used to cook it is beyond my ancestor's wildest imaginings, and I love it!!! That little droid has answered so many food prayers.]

I accidentally took a three hour nap afterwards, and then we headed out of town for a family overnight shindig. I was useless, tired, and not helpful the whole time. But it was restful for me, and I got to visit with family and work on my patchwork afghan, ba-BAM.

The miracle here is that I was able to physically do so much. Like seriously, sooooo much--more than could normally happen in a month maybe, as far as getting out, all in ONE weekend! I was so overwhelmed at the beginning of the week as I realized there were so many wonderful things I really wanted to do all in one weekend...and it's like God put a bonus in my energy allowance and let me feel quasi-normal for those events. I feel so, so grateful. Thank Thee, Father!

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