Monday, May 18, 2015

Quick Updates

My PICC line has been itching like crazy all weekend, and a feeling of dread came when I realized why. I had a dressing change today, and it was just as I remembered for my last PICC line. My skin has two big, open blisters and about a hundred little blisters all around the site. I had my last PICC for one month before I broke out in blisters. This time it's been two months with better dressings and more gentle cleaners on the skin. I don't know what I'll do next. I just don't'll be a surprise to me. 

I saw a neurosurgeon today. He was great. My pineal gland has a (probable) benign cyst. It's about the size of a jellybean instead of a sunflower seed. They used to always remove these, but we're going to do another MRI in a year to see if it's changed (like marking your child's height year to year on the door jamb, it will show if there are any significant changes). The surgeon told us emergent signs to look for, but otherwise to just not worry about it. It's on my medical ID bracelet (complications make themselves known, and I wouldn't necessarily be able to speak for myself). I may have been born with this cyst or developed it early in life; at any rate, he sees about six per year (rare). He sees no sign of a tumor at this time and does not want to go forward with surgery. We liked him a lot; I could work for a doc like him. 

I'm doing a lot of "studying out" to weigh the risks and benefits of my current Lyme regimen. Am I fruitlessly beating myself up or making aggressive strides toward wellness? Heavenly Father can direct me in this. 

My sweetheart continues to be my very best friend in all things and is sweet and wonderful. Our moms and dads are ever helpful and doting. Our siblings are loving and supportive. We feel really blessed. 

I ranted a few days ago, and still feel a degree of frustration...but I was reminded of the most recent priesthood blessing I received and was empowered by its central message. Then I read some stellar scripture stories last night and felt more peace. I needed these reminders. The priesthood is a miracle. 

God looks out for His children. I'm so grateful to be His. I think He is glad I come to Him in my frustration and ask for help. 

Those are a few swift updates. Amen. 

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